December 1, 2010

Truth or a Lame Excuse?

Being a psychology major I am bombarded daily with perplexing ideas, and new theories on life. Sitting in Theories of Personality half asleep I perked up when my professor made an interesting comment (which doesnt happen very often, let me tell you), he said something along the lines of; When people say they cant give of themselves through serving others until they fully love themselves they are saying that they wilAlign Leftl never serve another as long as they live. For the rest of class I sat thinking about this comment.
How many times have I heard this; you cant give yourself to another person until you fully love yourself. Will I ever fully love myself? Life is a journey of self discovery, and I am always changing what is my "self". I then realized that I must love my everyday self that is always changing. Saying that you cant give of yourself until you reach that point of contentment in life is a lame excuse...lending yourself to others will bring you closer to self discovery and love for who you are. I realize that I must love the odd stages, sad times, happy times and girl I am everyday; and most imporantly give of myself and serve as much as I can.
Just some thoughts from today...
On a lighter note....I found the perfect black boots while I was in Boise last weekend and wore them today, they made my outfit :)


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